Project Dependencies
The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:
GroupId | ArtifactId | Version | Type | Licenses |
io.wcm.devops.conga | io.wcm.devops.conga.generator | 1.17.1-SNAPSHOT | jar | The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 |
io.wcm.devops.conga.plugins | io.wcm.devops.conga.plugins.aem | 2.20.1-SNAPSHOT | jar | The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 |
io.wcm.devops.conga.plugins | io.wcm.devops.conga.plugins.ansible | 1.4.6 | jar | The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 |
io.wcm.tooling.commons | io.wcm.tooling.commons.crx-packmgr-helper | 2.1.6 | jar | The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 |
org.apache.maven | maven-archiver | 3.6.3 | jar | Apache-2.0 |
org.slf4j | jcl-over-slf4j | 1.7.36 | jar | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
The following is a list of test dependencies for this project. These dependencies are only required to compile and run unit tests for the application:
GroupId | ArtifactId | Version | Type | Licenses |
org.hamcrest | hamcrest-library | 3.0 | jar | BSD-3-Clause |
org.junit.jupiter | junit-jupiter | 5.11.4 | jar | Eclipse Public License v2.0 |
org.mockito | mockito-core | 5.15.2 | jar | MIT |
org.mockito | mockito-junit-jupiter | 5.15.2 | jar | MIT |
org.slf4j | slf4j-simple | 1.7.36 | jar | MIT License |
org.xmlunit | xmlunit-core | 2.10.0 | jar | The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 |
org.zeroturnaround | zt-zip | 1.17 | jar | The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 |
The following is a list of provided dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile the application, but should be provided by default when using the library:
GroupId | ArtifactId | Version | Type | Licenses |
io.wcm.tooling.spotbugs | io.wcm.tooling.spotbugs.annotations | 1.0.0 | jar | The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 |
org.apache.maven | maven-artifact | 3.3.9 | jar | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
org.apache.maven | maven-compat | 3.3.9 | jar | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
org.apache.maven | maven-core | 3.3.9 | jar | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
org.apache.maven | maven-model | 3.3.9 | jar | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
org.apache.maven | maven-plugin-api | 3.3.9 | jar | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
org.apache.maven.plugin-tools | maven-plugin-annotations | 3.15.1 | jar | Apache-2.0 |
org.jetbrains | annotations | 26.0.1 | jar | The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 |
Project Transitive Dependencies
The following is a list of transitive dependencies for this project. Transitive dependencies are the dependencies of the project dependencies.
The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:
The following is a list of runtime dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to run the application:
GroupId | ArtifactId | Version | Type | Licenses |
com.github.luben | zstd-jni | 1.5.6-3 | jar | BSD 2-Clause License |
net.minidev | accessors-smart | 2.4.9 | jar | The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 |
net.minidev | json-smart | 2.4.10 | jar | The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 |
org.tukaani | xz | 1.9 | jar | Public Domain |
The following is a list of test dependencies for this project. These dependencies are only required to compile and run unit tests for the application:
The following is a list of provided dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile the application, but should be provided by default when using the library:
Project Dependency Graph
Dependency Tree
- io.wcm.devops.conga.plugins:conga-aem-maven-plugin:maven-plugin:2.20.1-SNAPSHOT
CONGA AEM Maven Plugin Description: DevOps CONGA - CONfiguration GenerAtor Maven Plugin for AEM
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- io.wcm.devops.conga:io.wcm.devops.conga.generator:jar:1.17.1-SNAPSHOT (compile)
CONGA Generator Description: DevOps CONGA Configuration Generator.
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- io.wcm.devops.conga:io.wcm.devops.conga.model:jar:1.17.1-SNAPSHOT (compile)
CONGA Model Description: DevOps CONGA Model classes for java representation of definition files.
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- io.wcm.devops.conga:io.wcm.devops.conga.resource:jar:1.17.1-SNAPSHOT (compile)
CONGA Resource Description: DevOps CONGA resource abstraction for reading file from filesystem and classpath.
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- org.springframework:spring-core:jar:5.3.39 (compile)
Spring Core Description: Spring Core
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.springframework:spring-jcl:jar:5.3.39 (compile)
Spring Commons Logging Bridge Description: Spring Commons Logging Bridge
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.springframework:spring-jcl:jar:5.3.39 (compile)
- org.springframework:spring-core:jar:5.3.39 (compile)
- org.yaml:snakeyaml:jar:2.3 (compile)
SnakeYAML Description: YAML 1.1 parser and emitter for Java
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:jar:1.10.0 (compile)
Apache Commons BeanUtils Description: Apache Commons BeanUtils provides an easy-to-use but flexible wrapper around reflection and introspection.
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
- commons-collections:commons-collections:jar:3.2.2 (compile)
Apache Commons Collections Description: Types that extend and augment the Java Collections Framework.
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- commons-collections:commons-collections:jar:3.2.2 (compile)
- io.wcm.devops.conga:io.wcm.devops.conga.resource:jar:1.17.1-SNAPSHOT (compile)
- org.apache.commons:commons-text:jar:1.13.0 (compile)
Apache Commons Text Description: Apache Commons Text is a set of utility functions and reusable components for the purpose of processing and manipulating text that should be of use in a Java environment.
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
- com.github.ben-manes.caffeine:caffeine:jar:3.1.8 (compile)
Caffeine cache Description: A high performance caching library
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.checkerframework:checker-qual:jar:3.37.0 (compile)
Checker Qual Description: checker-qual contains annotations (type qualifiers) that a programmer writes to specify Java code for type-checking by the Checker Framework.
Project Licenses: The MIT License
- (compile)
error-prone annotations Description: Error Prone is a static analysis tool for Java that catches common programming mistakes at compile-time.
Project Licenses: Apache 2.0
- org.checkerframework:checker-qual:jar:3.37.0 (compile)
- com.github.jknack:handlebars:jar:4.3.1 (compile)
Handlebars Description: Logic-less and semantic templates with Java
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- com.github.jknack:handlebars-helpers:jar:4.3.1 (compile)
Handlebars Helpers Description: A collection helpers donated by the community
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- (compile)
Gson Description: Gson JSON library
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
- org.apache.commons:commons-jexl3:jar:3.4.0 (compile)
Apache Commons JEXL Description: Apache Commons JEXL is a library facilitates the implementation of scripting features in applications and frameworks written in Java.
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
- commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.3.2 (compile)
Apache Commons Logging Description: Apache Commons Logging is a thin adapter allowing configurable bridging to other, well-known logging systems.
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
- commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.3.2 (compile)
- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.7.36 (compile)
SLF4J API Module Description: The slf4j API
Project Licenses: MIT License
- io.wcm.devops.conga:io.wcm.devops.conga.model:jar:1.17.1-SNAPSHOT (compile)
- io.wcm.devops.conga.plugins:io.wcm.devops.conga.plugins.aem:jar:2.20.1-SNAPSHOT (compile)
CONGA AEM Plugin Description: DevOps CONfiguration GenerAtor Plugin for Adobe Experience Manager (AEM).
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- (compile)
CONGA Sling Plugin Description: DevOps CONfiguration GenerAtor Plugin for Apache Sling.
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.configadmin:jar:1.9.26 (compile)
Apache Felix Configuration Admin Service Description: Implementation of the OSGi Configuration Admin Service Specification 1.6
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- (compile)
Apache Sling Provisioning Model Description: The provisioning model for Apache Sling
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:jar:2.18.2 (compile)
jackson-databind Description: General data-binding functionality for Jackson: works on core streaming API
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:jar:2.18.2 (compile)
Jackson-annotations Description: Core annotations used for value types, used by Jackson data binding package.
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:jar:2.18.2 (compile)
Jackson-core Description: Core Jackson processing abstractions (aka Streaming API), implementation for JSON
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:jar:2.18.2 (compile)
- (compile)
Apache Felix Configuration Json Description: Support for OSGi configurations specified in JSON documents.
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.osgi:org.osgi.util.converter:jar:1.0.9 (compile)
org.osgi:org.osgi.util.converter Description: OSGi Companion Code for org.osgi.util.converter Version 1.0.9
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
- org.osgi:org.osgi.util.function:jar:1.0.0 (compile)
org.osgi:org.osgi.util.function Description: OSGi Companion Code for org.osgi.util.function Version 1.0.0.
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.osgi:org.osgi.util.function:jar:1.0.0 (compile)
- org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.configadmin:jar:1.9.26 (compile)
- org.apache.jackrabbit:filevault-package-maven-plugin:jar:1.4.0 (compile)
Apache Jackrabbit FileVault - Package Maven Plugin Description: Maven Plugin supporting creation of content packages.
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
- org.apache.jackrabbit.vault:vault-validation:jar:3.8.2 (compile)
Apache Jackrabbit FileVault Validation Description: Provides a validation framework with SPI and API for performing validations on FileVault packages
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
- org.apache.geronimo.specs:geronimo-json_1.1_spec:jar:1.2 (compile)
Apache Geronimo JSON Spec 1.1 Description: Apache Geronimo implementation of the JSR-374
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.converter:jar:1.0.14 (compile)
Apache Felix Converter Description: Apache Felix is a community effort to implement the OSGi Framework and Service platform and other interesting OSGi-related technologies.
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.apache.geronimo.specs:geronimo-json_1.1_spec:jar:1.2 (compile)
- org.apache.jackrabbit:oak-jackrabbit-api:jar:1.22.4 (compile)
Jackrabbit API Description: The goal of the Oak effort within the Apache Jackrabbit project is to implement a scalable and performant hierarchical content repository for use as the foundation of modern world-class web sites and other demanding content applications.
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.apache.jackrabbit:jackrabbit-spi-commons:jar:2.20.8 (compile)
Jackrabbit SPI Commons Description: The Apache Jackrabbit™ content repository is a fully conforming implementation of the Content Repository for Java Technology API (JCR, specified in JSR 170 and 283). A content repository is a hierarchical content store with support for structured and unstructured content, full text search, versioning, transactions, observation, and more. Apache Jackrabbit is a project of the Apache Software Foundation.
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.apache.jackrabbit:jackrabbit-spi:jar:2.20.8 (compile)
Jackrabbit SPI Description: The Apache Jackrabbit™ content repository is a fully conforming implementation of the Content Repository for Java Technology API (JCR, specified in JSR 170 and 283). A content repository is a hierarchical content store with support for structured and unstructured content, full text search, versioning, transactions, observation, and more. Apache Jackrabbit is a project of the Apache Software Foundation.
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.apache.commons:commons-collections4:jar:4.4 (compile)
Apache Commons Collections Description: The Apache Commons Collections package contains types that extend and augment the Java Collections Framework.
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.apache.jackrabbit:jackrabbit-spi:jar:2.20.8 (compile)
- org.osgi:org.osgi.framework:jar:1.8.0 (compile)
org.osgi:org.osgi.framework Description: OSGi Companion Code for org.osgi.framework Version 1.8.0.
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- biz.aQute.bnd:biz.aQute.bndlib:jar:6.4.0 (compile)
biz.aQute.bndlib Description: bndlib: A Swiss Army Knife for OSGi
Project Licenses: (Apache-2.0 OR EPL-2.0)
- org.osgi:org.osgi.dto:jar:1.0.0 (compile)
org.osgi:org.osgi.dto Description: OSGi Companion Code for org.osgi.dto Version 1.0.0.
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.osgi:org.osgi.resource:jar:1.0.0 (compile)
org.osgi:org.osgi.resource Description: OSGi Companion Code for org.osgi.resource Version 1.0.0.
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.osgi:org.osgi.util.tracker:jar:1.5.4 (compile)
org.osgi:org.osgi.util.tracker Description: OSGi Companion Code for org.osgi.util.tracker Version 1.5.4
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
- org.osgi:osgi.annotation:jar:8.0.1 (compile)
org.osgi:osgi.annotation Description: OSGi Annotation Release 8, Annotations for use in compiling bundles
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
- org.osgi:osgi.annotation:jar:8.0.1 (compile)
- org.osgi:org.osgi.service.log:jar:1.3.0 (compile)
org.osgi:org.osgi.service.log Description: OSGi Companion Code for org.osgi.service.log Version 1.3.0.
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.osgi:org.osgi.service.repository:jar:1.1.0 (compile)
org.osgi:org.osgi.service.repository Description: OSGi Companion Code for org.osgi.service.repository Version 1.1.0.
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.osgi:org.osgi.util.promise:jar:1.2.0 (compile)
org.osgi:org.osgi.util.promise Description: OSGi Companion Code for org.osgi.util.promise Version 1.2.0
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
- biz.aQute.bnd:biz.aQute.bnd.util:jar:6.4.0 (compile)
biz.aQute.bnd.util Description: Util classes
Project Licenses: (Apache-2.0 OR EPL-2.0)
- org.osgi:org.osgi.dto:jar:1.0.0 (compile)
- org.codehaus.mojo:animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:jar:1.23 (compile)
Animal Sniffer Maven Plugin Description: Animal Sniffer Maven Plugin.
Project Licenses: MIT license
- org.codehaus.mojo:java-boot-classpath-detector:jar:1.23 (compile)
Java boot classpath detector Description: Queries a java home in order to find its boot class path.
Project Licenses: MIT license
- org.codehaus.mojo:java-boot-classpath-detector:jar:1.23 (compile)
- org.codehaus.mojo:animal-sniffer:jar:1.23 (compile)
Animal Sniffer Description: Animal Sniffer.
Project Licenses: MIT license
- org.ow2.asm:asm:jar:9.4 (compile)
asm Description: ASM, a very small and fast Java bytecode manipulation framework
Project Licenses: BSD-3-Clause
- org.codehaus.mojo:animal-sniffer-annotations:jar:1.23 (compile)
Animal Sniffer Annotations Description: Animal Sniffer Parent POM.
Project Licenses: MIT license
- org.ow2.asm:asm:jar:9.4 (compile)
- io.github.classgraph:classgraph:jar:4.8.141 (compile)
ClassGraph Description: The uber-fast, ultra-lightweight classpath and module scanner for JVM languages.
Project Licenses: The MIT License (MIT)
- org.apache.maven.shared:maven-common-artifact-filters:jar:3.3.2 (compile)
Apache Maven Common Artifact Filters Description: A collection of ready-made filters to control inclusion/exclusion of artifacts during dependency resolution.
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.apache.maven.shared:maven-filtering:jar:3.4.0 (compile)
Apache Maven Filtering Description: A component to assist in filtering of resource files with properties from a Maven project.
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
- org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-xml:jar:3.0.1 (compile)
Plexus XML Utilities Description: A collection of various utility classes to ease working with XML in Maven 3.
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-xml:jar:3.0.1 (compile)
- org.apache.commons:commons-csv:jar:1.9.0 (compile)
Apache Commons CSV Description: The Apache Commons CSV library provides a simple interface for reading and writing CSV files of various types.
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:jar:3.4.2 (compile)
Apache Maven Shared Utils Description: Shared utilities for use by Maven core and plugins
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
- org.apache.jackrabbit.vault:vault-validation:jar:3.8.2 (compile)
- biz.netcentric.aem:aem-nodetypes:jar:2023.10.0 (compile)
AEM Node Types and Namespaces Description: This module contains the node types and namespaces being defined in AEM as a CND file
Project Licenses: Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0
- io.wcm.tooling.nodetypes:io.wcm.tooling.nodetypes.wcmio:jar:1.0.0 (compile) Node Types and Namespaces Description: This module contains the node types and namespaces being defined by modules as a cnd file.
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- io.wcm.tooling.commons:io.wcm.tooling.commons.content-package-builder:jar:1.7.4 (compile)
AEM Content Package Builder Description: Java Library for building AEM Content Packages with content pages and binary files.
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- (compile)
Day Commons Library - ANY Parser Description: Parser for ANY formatted text files
Project Licenses: License Agreement
- (compile)
Day Commons Library - Text Support Description: Text manipulation support classes.
Project Licenses: License Agreement
- commons-io:commons-io:jar:2.18.0 (compile)
Apache Commons IO Description: The Apache Commons IO library contains utility classes, stream implementations, file filters, file comparators, endian transformation classes, and much more.
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
- org.apache.commons:commons-compress:jar:1.27.1 (compile)
Apache Commons Compress Description: Apache Commons Compress defines an API for working with compression and archive formats. These include bzip2, gzip, pack200, LZMA, XZ, Snappy, traditional Unix Compress, DEFLATE, DEFLATE64, LZ4, Brotli, Zstandard and ar, cpio, jar, tar, zip, dump, 7z, arj.
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
- commons-codec:commons-codec:jar:1.17.1 (compile)
Apache Commons Codec Description: The Apache Commons Codec component contains encoders and decoders for various formats such as Base16, Base32, Base64, digest, and Hexadecimal. In addition to these widely used encoders and decoders, the codec package also maintains a collection of phonetic encoding utilities.
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
- commons-codec:commons-codec:jar:1.17.1 (compile)
- (compile)
Apache Sling Content Parser API Description: API for parsing Apache Sling Resource trees stored in files (e.g. JSON, FileVault XML, etc.)
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- (compile)
Apache Sling Content Parser for JSON Description: Apache Sling Content Parser for resource trees stored in JSON files
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
- jakarta.json:jakarta.json-api:jar:2.1.3 (compile)
Jakarta JSON Processing API Description: Jakarta JSON Processing defines a Java(R) based framework for parsing, generating, transforming, and querying JSON documents.
Project Licenses: Eclipse Public License 2.0, GNU General Public License, version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception
- org.apache.johnzon:johnzon-core:jar:2.0.1 (compile)
Johnzon :: Core Description: Apache Johnzon is an implementation of JSR-353 (JavaTM API for JSON Processing).
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- org.apache.jackrabbit:oak-security-spi:jar:1.74.0 (compile)
Oak Security SPI Description: The goal of the Oak effort within the Apache Jackrabbit project is to implement a scalable and performant hierarchical content repository for use as the foundation of modern world-class web sites and other demanding content applications.
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
- org.osgi:org.osgi.service.component.annotations:jar:1.4.0 (compile)
org.osgi:org.osgi.service.component.annotations Description: OSGi Companion Code for org.osgi.service.component.annotations Version 1.4.0
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
- org.osgi:org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations:jar:1.4.0 (compile)
org.osgi:org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations Description: OSGi Companion Code for org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations Version 1.4.0
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
- org.apache.jackrabbit:oak-shaded-guava:jar:1.74.0 (compile)
Jackrabbit Guava Wrapper Description: The goal of the Oak effort within the Apache Jackrabbit project is to implement a scalable and performant hierarchical content repository for use as the foundation of modern world-class web sites and other demanding content applications.
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
- org.apache.jackrabbit:oak-api:jar:1.74.0 (compile)
Oak API Description: The goal of the Oak effort within the Apache Jackrabbit project is to implement a scalable and performant hierarchical content repository for use as the foundation of modern world-class web sites and other demanding content applications.
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
- org.apache.jackrabbit:oak-core-spi:jar:1.74.0 (compile)
Oak Core SPI Description: The goal of the Oak effort within the Apache Jackrabbit project is to implement a scalable and performant hierarchical content repository for use as the foundation of modern world-class web sites and other demanding content applications.
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
- org.apache.jackrabbit:oak-store-spi:jar:1.74.0 (compile)
Oak NodeStore and Commit SPI Description: The goal of the Oak effort within the Apache Jackrabbit project is to implement a scalable and performant hierarchical content repository for use as the foundation of modern world-class web sites and other demanding content applications.
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
- org.apache.jackrabbit:oak-query-spi:jar:1.74.0 (compile)
Oak Query SPI Description: The goal of the Oak effort within the Apache Jackrabbit project is to implement a scalable and performant hierarchical content repository for use as the foundation of modern world-class web sites and other demanding content applications.
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
- org.osgi:org.osgi.service.component.annotations:jar:1.4.0 (compile)
- org.apache.jackrabbit:oak-commons:jar:1.74.0 (compile)
Oak Commons Description: The goal of the Oak effort within the Apache Jackrabbit project is to implement a scalable and performant hierarchical content repository for use as the foundation of modern world-class web sites and other demanding content applications.
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
- (compile)
- io.wcm.devops.conga.plugins:io.wcm.devops.conga.plugins.ansible:jar:1.4.6 (compile)
CONGA Ansible Plugin Description: DevOps CONfiguration GenerAtor Plugin for Ansible.
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- de.rtner:PBKDF2:jar:1.1.4 (compile)
PBKDF2 Description: A free Java implementation of RFC 2898 / PKCS#5 PBKDF2
Project Licenses: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), Version 2.1
- org.apache.commons:commons-exec:jar:1.3 (compile)
Apache Commons Exec Description: Apache Commons Exec is a library to reliably execute external processes from within the JVM.
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- com.jayway.jsonpath:json-path:jar:2.8.0 (compile)
json-path Description: A library to query and verify JSON
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- net.minidev:json-smart:jar:2.4.10 (runtime)
JSON Small and Fast Parser Description: JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate. It is based on a subset of the JavaScript Programming Language, Standard ECMA-262 3rd Edition - December 1999. JSON is a text format that is completely language independent but uses conventions that are familiar to programmers of the C-family of languages, including C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, Python, and many others. These properties make JSON an ideal data-interchange language.
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- net.minidev:accessors-smart:jar:2.4.9 (runtime)
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart Description: Java reflect give poor performance on getter setter an constructor calls, accessors-smart use ASM to speed up those calls.
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- net.minidev:accessors-smart:jar:2.4.9 (runtime)
- net.minidev:json-smart:jar:2.4.10 (runtime)
- de.rtner:PBKDF2:jar:1.1.4 (compile)
- org.apache.maven.plugin-tools:maven-plugin-annotations:jar:3.15.1 (provided)
Maven Plugin Tools Java Annotations Description: Java annotations to use in Mojos
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
- org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:jar:3.3.9 (provided)
Maven Plugin API Description: The API for plugins - Mojos - development.
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.plexus:jar:0.3.2 (provided)
org.eclipse.sisu.plexus Description: Plexus-JSR330 adapter; adds Plexus support to the Sisu-Inject container
Project Licenses: Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0
- javax.enterprise:cdi-api:jar:1.0 (provided)
CDI APIs Description: APIs for JSR-299: Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java EE
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- javax.annotation:jsr250-api:jar:1.0 (provided)
JSR-250 Common Annotations for the JavaTM Platform Description: JSR-250 Reference Implementation by Glassfish
- javax.annotation:jsr250-api:jar:1.0 (provided)
- org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.inject:jar:0.3.2 (provided)
org.eclipse.sisu.inject Description: JSR330-based container; supports classpath scanning, auto-binding, and dynamic auto-wiring
Project Licenses: Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0
- javax.enterprise:cdi-api:jar:1.0 (provided)
- org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.plexus:jar:0.3.2 (provided)
- org.apache.maven:maven-model:jar:3.3.9 (provided)
Maven Model Description: Model for Maven POM (Project Object Model)
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:3.0.22 (compile)
Plexus Common Utilities Description: A collection of various utility classes to ease working with strings, files, command lines, XML and more.
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:jar:3.17.0 (compile)
Apache Commons Lang Description: Apache Commons Lang, a package of Java utility classes for the classes that are in java.lang's hierarchy, or are considered to be so standard as to justify existence in java.lang. The code is tested using the latest revision of the JDK for supported LTS releases: 8, 11, 17 and 21 currently. See Please ensure your build environment is up-to-date and kindly report any build issues.
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
- org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:3.0.22 (compile)
- org.apache.maven:maven-core:jar:3.3.9 (provided)
Maven Core Description: Maven Core classes.
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.apache.maven:maven-settings:jar:3.3.9 (provided)
Maven Settings Description: Maven Settings model.
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.apache.maven:maven-settings-builder:jar:3.3.9 (provided)
Maven Settings Builder Description: The effective settings builder, with inheritance and password decryption.
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.apache.maven:maven-builder-support:jar:3.3.9 (provided)
Maven Builder Support Description: Support for descriptor builders (model, setting, toolchains)
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.apache.maven:maven-builder-support:jar:3.3.9 (provided)
- org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:jar:3.3.9 (provided)
Maven Repository Metadata Model Description: Per-directory local and remote repository metadata.
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.apache.maven:maven-model-builder:jar:3.3.9 (provided)
Maven Model Builder Description: The effective model builder, with inheritance, profile activation, interpolation, ...
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- (provided)
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java Description: Guava is a suite of core and expanded libraries that include utility classes, google's collections, io classes, and much much more. Guava has only one code dependency - javax.annotation, per the JSR-305 spec.
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- (provided)
- org.apache.maven:maven-aether-provider:jar:3.3.9 (provided)
Maven Aether Provider Description: Extensions to Aether for utilizing Maven POM and repository metadata.
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.eclipse.aether:aether-spi:jar:1.0.2.v20150114 (provided)
Aether SPI Description: The service provider interface for repository system implementations and repository connectors.
Project Licenses: Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0
- org.eclipse.aether:aether-spi:jar:1.0.2.v20150114 (provided)
- org.eclipse.aether:aether-impl:jar:1.0.2.v20150114 (provided)
Aether Implementation Description: An implementation of the repository system.
Project Licenses: Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0
- org.eclipse.aether:aether-api:jar:1.0.2.v20150114 (provided)
Aether API Description: The application programming interface for the repository system.
Project Licenses: Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0
- org.eclipse.aether:aether-util:jar:1.0.2.v20150114 (provided)
Aether Utilities Description: A collection of utility classes to ease usage of the repository system.
Project Licenses: Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0
- (provided)
Google Guice - Core Library Description: Guice is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Java 6 and above
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- javax.inject:javax.inject:jar:1 (compile)
javax.inject Description: The javax.inject API
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- aopalliance:aopalliance:jar:1.0 (provided)
AOP alliance Description: AOP Alliance
Project Licenses: Public Domain
- javax.inject:javax.inject:jar:1 (compile)
- org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:jar:1.21 (compile)
Plexus Interpolation API Description: The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects.
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds:jar:2.5.2 (provided)
Plexus Classworlds Description: A class loader framework
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-component-annotations:jar:1.6 (provided)
Plexus :: Component Annotations Description: Plexus Component "Java 5" Annotations, to describe plexus components properties in java sources with standard annotations instead of javadoc annotations.
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- org.sonatype.plexus:plexus-sec-dispatcher:jar:1.3 (provided)
Plexus Security Dispatcher Component Description: There is currently no description associated with this project.
Project Licenses: Apache Public License 2.0
- org.sonatype.plexus:plexus-cipher:jar:1.4 (provided)
Plexus Cipher: encryption/decryption Component Description: There is currently no description associated with this project.
Project Licenses: Apache Public License 2.0
- org.sonatype.plexus:plexus-cipher:jar:1.4 (provided)
- org.apache.maven:maven-settings:jar:3.3.9 (provided)
- org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:jar:3.3.9 (provided)
Maven Artifact Description: Maven is a software build management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model: builds, dependency management, documentation creation, site publication, and distribution publication are all controlled from the declarative file. Maven can be extended by plugins to utilise a number of other development tools for reporting or the build process.
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.apache.maven:maven-compat:jar:3.3.9 (provided)
Maven Compat Description: Maven2 classes maintained as compatibility layer.
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:jar:2.10 (provided)
Apache Maven Wagon :: API Description: Maven Wagon API that defines the contract between different Wagon implementations
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:jar:2.10 (provided)
- org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:jar:3.6.3 (compile)
Apache Maven Archiver Description: Provides utility methods for creating JARs and other archive files from a Maven project.
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
- org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:jar:4.10.0 (compile)
Plexus Archiver Component Description: The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects.
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-io:jar:3.5.0 (compile)
Plexus IO Components Description: The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects.
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- io.airlift:aircompressor:jar:0.27 (compile)
aircompressor Description: Compression algorithms
Project Licenses: Apache License 2.0
- org.tukaani:xz:jar:1.9 (runtime)
XZ for Java Description: XZ data compression
Project Licenses: Public Domain
- com.github.luben:zstd-jni:jar:1.5.6-3 (runtime)
zstd-jni Description: JNI bindings for Zstd native library that provides fast and high compression lossless algorithm for Java and all JVM languages.
Project Licenses: BSD 2-Clause License
- org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-io:jar:3.5.0 (compile)
- org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:jar:4.10.0 (compile)
- io.wcm.tooling.commons:io.wcm.tooling.commons.crx-packmgr-helper:jar:2.1.6 (compile)
CRX Package Manager Helper Description: Java Library for uploading and downloading AEM content packages via CRX Package Manager.
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:jar:4.5.13 (compile)
Apache HttpClient Description: Apache HttpComponents Client
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:jar:4.4.13 (compile)
Apache HttpCore Description: Apache HttpComponents Core (blocking I/O)
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:jar:4.4.13 (compile)
- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpmime:jar:4.5.13 (compile)
Apache HttpClient Mime Description: Apache HttpComponents HttpClient - MIME coded entities
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.json:json:jar:20211205 (compile)
JSON in Java Description: JSON is a light-weight, language independent, data interchange format. See The files in this package implement JSON encoders/decoders in Java. It also includes the capability to convert between JSON and XML, HTTP headers, Cookies, and CDL. This is a reference implementation. There is a large number of JSON packages in Java. Perhaps someday the Java community will standardize on one. Until then, choose carefully. The license includes this restriction: "The software shall be used for good, not evil." If your conscience cannot live with that, then choose a different package.
Project Licenses: The JSON License
- org.jdom:jdom2:jar: (compile)
JDOM Description: A complete, Java-based solution for accessing, manipulating, and outputting XML data
Project Licenses: Similar to Apache License but with the acknowledgment clause removed
- jaxen:jaxen:jar:1.2.0 (compile)
jaxen Description: Jaxen is a universal XPath engine for Java.
Project Licenses: BSD License 2.0
- javax.jcr:jcr:jar:2.0 (compile)
Content Repository for JavaTM Technology API Description: The Content Repository API for JavaTM Technology Version 2.0 is specified by JSR-283. This module contains the complete API as specified.
Project Licenses: Day Specification License, Day Specification License addendum
- org.apache.jackrabbit:jackrabbit-api:jar:2.19.3 (compile)
Apache Jackrabbit API Description: Jackrabbit-specific extensions to the JCR API
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.apache.jackrabbit:jackrabbit-jcr-commons:jar:2.19.3 (compile)
Jackrabbit JCR Commons Description: General purpose classes for use with the JCR API
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.apache.jackrabbit.vault:org.apache.jackrabbit.vault:jar:3.5.8 (compile)
Apache Jackrabbit FileVault Core Bundle Description: The core classes of Apache Jackrabbit FileVault
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.glassfish.jaxb:txw2:jar:2.3.2 (compile)
TXW2 Runtime Description: TXW is a library that allows you to write XML documents.
Project Licenses: Eclipse Distribution License - v 1.0
- com.fasterxml.woodstox:woodstox-core:jar:6.1.1 (compile)
Woodstox Description: Woodstox is a high-performance XML processor that implements Stax (JSR-173), SAX2 and Stax2 APIs
Project Licenses: The Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.codehaus.woodstox:stax2-api:jar:4.2 (compile)
Stax2 API Description: tax2 API is an extension to basic Stax 1.0 API that adds significant new functionality, such as full-featured bi-direction validation interface and high-performance Typed Access API.
Project Licenses: The BSD License
- org.codehaus.woodstox:stax2-api:jar:4.2 (compile)
- org.glassfish.jaxb:txw2:jar:2.3.2 (compile)
- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:jar:4.5.13 (compile)
- org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:jar:1.7.36 (compile)
JCL 1.2 implemented over SLF4J Description: JCL 1.2 implemented over SLF4J
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:jar:1.7.36 (test)
SLF4J Simple Binding Description: SLF4J Simple binding
Project Licenses: MIT License
- org.xmlunit:xmlunit-core:jar:2.10.0 (test)
org.xmlunit:xmlunit-core Description: XMLUnit for Java
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- jakarta.xml.bind:jakarta.xml.bind-api:jar:2.3.3 (test)
Jakarta XML Binding API Description: Jakarta XML Binding API
Project Licenses: Eclipse Distribution License - v 1.0
- jakarta.activation:jakarta.activation-api:jar:1.2.2 (test)
Jakarta Activation API jar Description: Jakarta Activation API jar
Project Licenses: EDL 1.0
- jakarta.activation:jakarta.activation-api:jar:1.2.2 (test)
- jakarta.xml.bind:jakarta.xml.bind-api:jar:2.3.3 (test)
- org.zeroturnaround:zt-zip:jar:1.17 (test)
ZT Zip Description: The project is intended to have a small, easy and fast library to process ZIP archives. Either create, modify or explode them. On disk or in memory.
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- org.jetbrains:annotations:jar:26.0.1 (provided)
JetBrains Java Annotations Description: A set of annotations used for code inspection support and code documentation.
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- io.wcm.tooling.spotbugs:io.wcm.tooling.spotbugs.annotations:jar:1.0.0 (provided)
Subset of Spotbugs Annotations Description: Contains a subset of Spotbugs Annotations for suppressing warnings in code.
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
- org.hamcrest:hamcrest-library:jar:3.0 (test)
Hamcrest Library Description: A library of Hamcrest matchers - deprecated, please use "hamcrest" instead
Project Licenses: BSD-3-Clause
- org.hamcrest:hamcrest-core:jar:3.0 (test)
Hamcrest Core Description: Core Hamcrest API - deprecated, please use "hamcrest" instead
Project Licenses: BSD-3-Clause
- org.hamcrest:hamcrest:jar:3.0 (test)
Hamcrest Description: Core API and libraries of hamcrest matcher framework.
Project Licenses: BSD-3-Clause
- org.hamcrest:hamcrest:jar:3.0 (test)
- org.hamcrest:hamcrest-core:jar:3.0 (test)
- org.mockito:mockito-core:jar:5.15.2 (test)
mockito-core Description: Mockito mock objects library core API and implementation
Project Licenses: MIT
- net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy:jar:1.15.11 (test)
Byte Buddy (without dependencies) Description: Byte Buddy is a Java library for creating Java classes at run time. This artifact is a build of Byte Buddy with all ASM dependencies repackaged into its own name space.
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy-agent:jar:1.15.11 (test)
Byte Buddy agent Description: The Byte Buddy agent offers convenience for attaching an agent to the local or a remote VM.
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.objenesis:objenesis:jar:3.3 (test)
Objenesis Description: A library for instantiating Java objects
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
- net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy:jar:1.15.11 (test)
- org.mockito:mockito-junit-jupiter:jar:5.15.2 (test)
mockito-junit-jupiter Description: Mockito JUnit 5 support
Project Licenses: MIT
- org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:jar:5.11.4 (test)
JUnit Jupiter API Description: Module "junit-jupiter-api" of JUnit 5.
Project Licenses: Eclipse Public License v2.0
- org.opentest4j:opentest4j:jar:1.3.0 (test)
org.opentest4j:opentest4j Description: Open Test Alliance for the JVM
Project Licenses: The Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.junit.platform:junit-platform-commons:jar:1.11.4 (test)
JUnit Platform Commons Description: Module "junit-platform-commons" of JUnit 5.
Project Licenses: Eclipse Public License v2.0
- org.apiguardian:apiguardian-api:jar:1.1.2 (test)
org.apiguardian:apiguardian-api Description: @API Guardian
Project Licenses: The Apache License, Version 2.0
- org.opentest4j:opentest4j:jar:1.3.0 (test)
- org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:jar:5.11.4 (test)
- org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter:jar:5.11.4 (test)
JUnit Jupiter (Aggregator) Description: Module "junit-jupiter" of JUnit 5.
Project Licenses: Eclipse Public License v2.0
- org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-params:jar:5.11.4 (test)
JUnit Jupiter Params Description: Module "junit-jupiter-params" of JUnit 5.
Project Licenses: Eclipse Public License v2.0
- org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:jar:5.11.4 (test)
JUnit Jupiter Engine Description: Module "junit-jupiter-engine" of JUnit 5.
Project Licenses: Eclipse Public License v2.0
- org.junit.platform:junit-platform-engine:jar:1.11.4 (test)
JUnit Platform Engine API Description: Module "junit-platform-engine" of JUnit 5.
Project Licenses: Eclipse Public License v2.0
- org.junit.platform:junit-platform-engine:jar:1.11.4 (test)
- org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-params:jar:5.11.4 (test)
- io.wcm.devops.conga:io.wcm.devops.conga.generator:jar:1.17.1-SNAPSHOT (compile)
Apache Public License 2.0: Plexus Cipher: encryption/decryption Component, Plexus Security Dispatcher Component
Eclipse Public License 2.0: Jakarta JSON Processing API
Apache 2.0: error-prone annotations
The Apache License, Version 2.0: Woodstox, org.apiguardian:apiguardian-api, org.opentest4j:opentest4j
The BSD License: Stax2 API
MIT License: SLF4J API Module, SLF4J Simple Binding
Eclipse Public License v2.0: JUnit Jupiter (Aggregator), JUnit Jupiter API, JUnit Jupiter Engine, JUnit Jupiter Params, JUnit Platform Commons, JUnit Platform Engine API
BSD 2-Clause License: zstd-jni
Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0: AEM Node Types and Namespaces, Aether API, Aether Implementation, Aether SPI, Aether Utilities, org.eclipse.sisu.inject, org.eclipse.sisu.plexus
License Agreement: Day Commons Library - ANY Parser, Day Commons Library - Text Support
Similar to Apache License but with the acknowledgment clause removed: JDOM
Apache License 2.0: aircompressor
The MIT License: Checker Qual
Apache License, Version 2.0: Apache Commons CSV, Apache Commons Collections, Apache Commons Exec, Apache Felix Configuration Admin Service, Apache Felix Configuration Json, Apache Felix Converter, Apache HttpClient, Apache HttpClient Mime, Apache HttpCore, Apache Jackrabbit API, Apache Jackrabbit FileVault Core Bundle, Apache Maven Common Artifact Filters, Apache Maven Wagon :: API, Apache Sling Content Parser API, Apache Sling Provisioning Model, Byte Buddy (without dependencies), Byte Buddy agent, CDI APIs, Caffeine cache, JCL 1.2 implemented over SLF4J, Jackrabbit API, Jackrabbit JCR Commons, Jackrabbit SPI, Jackrabbit SPI Commons, Maven Aether Provider, Maven Artifact, Maven Builder Support, Maven Compat, Maven Core, Maven Model, Maven Model Builder, Maven Plugin API, Maven Repository Metadata Model, Maven Settings, Maven Settings Builder, Objenesis, Plexus Archiver Component, Plexus IO Components, Plexus XML Utilities, SnakeYAML, Spring Commons Logging Bridge, Spring Core, org.osgi:org.osgi.dto, org.osgi:org.osgi.framework, org.osgi:org.osgi.resource, org.osgi:org.osgi.service.log, org.osgi:org.osgi.service.repository, org.osgi:org.osgi.util.function
Apache-2.0: Apache Commons BeanUtils, Apache Commons Codec, Apache Commons Compress, Apache Commons IO, Apache Commons JEXL, Apache Commons Lang, Apache Commons Logging, Apache Commons Text, Apache Jackrabbit FileVault - Package Maven Plugin, Apache Jackrabbit FileVault Validation, Apache Maven Archiver, Apache Maven Filtering, Apache Maven Shared Utils, Apache Sling Content Parser for JSON, Gson, Jackrabbit Guava Wrapper, Maven Plugin Tools Java Annotations, Oak API, Oak Commons, Oak Core SPI, Oak NodeStore and Commit SPI, Oak Query SPI, Oak Security SPI, org.osgi:org.osgi.service.component.annotations, org.osgi:org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations, org.osgi:org.osgi.util.converter, org.osgi:org.osgi.util.promise, org.osgi:org.osgi.util.tracker, org.osgi:osgi.annotation
COMMON DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION LICENSE (CDDL) Version 1.0: JSR-250 Common Annotations for the JavaTM Platform
MIT license: Animal Sniffer, Animal Sniffer Annotations, Animal Sniffer Maven Plugin, Java boot classpath detector
GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), Version 2.1: PBKDF2
BSD-3-Clause: Hamcrest, Hamcrest Core, Hamcrest Library, asm
Day Specification License addendum: Content Repository for JavaTM Technology API
Day Specification License: Content Repository for JavaTM Technology API
Public Domain: AOP alliance, XZ for Java
The JSON License: JSON in Java
(Apache-2.0 OR EPL-2.0): biz.aQute.bnd.util, biz.aQute.bndlib
The MIT License (MIT): ClassGraph
GNU General Public License, version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception: Jakarta JSON Processing API
EDL 1.0: Jakarta Activation API jar
Eclipse Distribution License - v 1.0: Jakarta XML Binding API, TXW2 Runtime
MIT: mockito-core, mockito-junit-jupiter
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0: AEM Content Package Builder, ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart, Apache Geronimo JSON Spec 1.1, CONGA AEM Maven Plugin, CONGA AEM Plugin, CONGA Ansible Plugin, CONGA Generator, CONGA Model, CONGA Resource, CONGA Sling Plugin, CRX Package Manager Helper, Google Guice - Core Library, Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java, Handlebars, Handlebars Helpers, JSON Small and Fast Parser, Jackson-annotations, Jackson-core, JetBrains Java Annotations, Johnzon :: Core, Plexus :: Component Annotations, Plexus Classworlds, Plexus Common Utilities, Plexus Interpolation API, Subset of Spotbugs Annotations, ZT Zip, jackson-databind, javax.inject, json-path, org.xmlunit:xmlunit-core, Node Types and Namespaces
BSD License 2.0: jaxen
Dependency File Details
Total | Size | Entries | Classes | Packages | Java Version | Debug Information | Sealed |
Filename | Size | Entries | Classes | Packages | Java Version | Debug Information | Sealed |
aopalliance-1.0.jar | 4.5 kB | 15 | 9 | 2 | 1.3 | Yes | No |
biz.aQute.bnd.util-6.4.0.jar | 429 kB | 371 | 199 | 12 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
biz.aQute.bndlib-6.4.0.jar | 3.2 MB | 2123 | 1010 | 139 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
aem-nodetypes-2023.10.0.jar | 10.8 kB | 9 | 0 | 0 | - | - | - |
day-commons-any-2.0.0.jar | 21.9 kB | 26 | 16 | 1 | 1.1 | Yes | No |
day-commons-text-1.1.10.jar | 50.5 kB | 26 | 14 | 2 | 1.5 | Yes | No |
jackson-annotations-2.18.2.jar | 78.5 kB | 87 | 74 | 2 | 1.6 | Yes | No |
jackson-core-2.18.2.jar | 597.8 kB | 293 | - | - | - | - | No |
• Root | - | 246 | 211 | 14 | 1.8 | Yes | - |
• Versioned | - | 2 | 1 | 1 | 9 | No | - |
• Versioned | - | 12 | 3 | 1 | 11 | Yes | - |
• Versioned | - | 11 | 2 | 1 | 17 | Yes | - |
• Versioned | - | 11 | 2 | 1 | 21 | Yes | - |
• Versioned | - | 11 | 2 | 1 | - | Yes | - |
jackson-databind-2.18.2.jar | 1.7 MB | 829 | - | - | - | - | No |
• Root | - | 827 | 789 | 23 | 1.8 | Yes | - |
• Versioned | - | 2 | 1 | 1 | 9 | No | - |
woodstox-core-6.1.1.jar | 1.6 MB | 1088 | 939 | 79 | 1.6 | Yes | No |
caffeine-3.1.8.jar | 889.2 kB | 713 | 704 | 3 | 11 | Yes | No |
handlebars-4.3.1.jar | 954.2 kB | 586 | 529 | 32 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
handlebars-helpers-4.3.1.jar | 11.7 kB | 22 | 10 | 1 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
zstd-jni-1.5.6-3.jar | 6.7 MB | 80 | 36 | 3 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
gson-2.11.0.jar | 298.4 kB | 244 | - | - | - | - | No |
• Root | - | 243 | 223 | 9 | 1.7 | Yes | - |
• Versioned | - | 1 | 1 | 1 | 9 | No | - |
error_prone_annotations-2.21.1.jar | 16.8 kB | 39 | 27 | 2 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
guava-18.0.jar | 2.3 MB | 1719 | 1690 | 17 | 1.6 | Yes | No |
guice-4.0-no_aop.jar | 423.6 kB | 344 | 329 | 8 | 1.6 | Yes | No |
json-path-2.8.0.jar | 277.6 kB | 221 | 203 | 13 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
commons-beanutils-1.10.0.jar | 246.2 kB | 152 | - | - | - | - | No |
• Root | - | 151 | 134 | 5 | 1.8 | Yes | - |
• Versioned | - | 1 | 1 | 1 | 9 | No | - |
commons-codec-1.17.1.jar | 372.7 kB | 262 | - | - | - | - | No |
• Root | - | 261 | 114 | 7 | 1.8 | Yes | - |
• Versioned | - | 1 | 1 | 1 | 9 | No | - |
commons-collections-3.2.2.jar | 588.3 kB | 484 | 460 | 12 | 1.3 | Yes | No |
commons-io-2.18.0.jar | 538.9 kB | 398 | - | - | - | - | No |
• Root | - | 397 | 370 | 15 | 1.8 | Yes | - |
• Versioned | - | 1 | 1 | 1 | 9 | No | - |
commons-logging-1.3.2.jar | 71.6 kB | 42 | - | - | - | - | No |
• Root | - | 41 | 27 | 2 | 1.8 | Yes | - |
• Versioned | - | 1 | 1 | 1 | 9 | No | - |
PBKDF2-1.1.4.jar | 14.9 kB | 18 | 10 | 2 | 1.6 | Yes | No |
aircompressor-0.27.jar | 254.9 kB | 142 | 124 | 9 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
classgraph-4.8.141.jar | 565.4 kB | 291 | - | - | - | - | No |
• Root | - | 289 | 261 | 13 | 1.7 | Yes | - |
• Versioned | - | 2 | 1 | 1 | 9 | No | - |
io.wcm.devops.conga.generator-1.17.1-SNAPSHOT.jar | 169.7 kB | 170 | 126 | 21 | 11 | Yes | No |
io.wcm.devops.conga.model-1.17.1-SNAPSHOT.jar | 32.2 kB | 48 | 31 | 5 | 11 | Yes | No |
io.wcm.devops.conga.resource-1.17.1-SNAPSHOT.jar | 18.2 kB | 25 | 13 | 1 | 11 | Yes | No |
io.wcm.devops.conga.plugins.aem-2.20.1-SNAPSHOT.jar | 157.2 kB | 121 | 79 | 12 | 11 | Yes | No |
io.wcm.devops.conga.plugins.ansible-1.4.6.jar | 60.6 kB | 79 | 37 | 13 | 11 | Yes | No | | 31.6 kB | 43 | 19 | 5 | 11 | Yes | No |
io.wcm.tooling.commons.content-package-builder-1.7.4.jar | 41.8 kB | 43 | 21 | 2 | 11 | Yes | No |
io.wcm.tooling.commons.crx-packmgr-helper-2.1.6.jar | 80.2 kB | 65 | 46 | 8 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
io.wcm.tooling.nodetypes.wcmio-1.0.0.jar | 3.3 kB | 8 | 0 | 0 | - | - | - |
io.wcm.tooling.spotbugs.annotations-1.0.0.jar | 3.9 kB | 13 | 1 | 1 | 1.8 | No | No |
jakarta.activation-api-1.2.2.jar | 46.6 kB | 43 | 32 | 2 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
jakarta.json-api-2.1.3.jar | 48.6 kB | 50 | 37 | 4 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
jakarta.xml.bind-api-2.3.3.jar | 115.6 kB | 137 | - | - | - | - | No |
• Root | - | 132 | 111 | 7 | 1.8 | Yes | - |
• Versioned | - | 5 | 1 | 1 | 9 | Yes | - |
jsr250-api-1.0.jar | 5.8 kB | 16 | 11 | 2 | 1.5 | Yes | No |
cdi-api-1.0.jar | 44.9 kB | 92 | 75 | 7 | 1.5 | Yes | No |
javax.inject-1.jar | 2.5 kB | 8 | 6 | 1 | 1.5 | No | No |
jcr-2.0.jar | 69.2 kB | 138 | 120 | 10 | 1.4 | Yes | No |
jaxen-1.2.0.jar | 232.5 kB | 238 | 213 | 16 | 1.4 | Yes | No |
byte-buddy-1.15.11.jar | 8.5 MB | 5890 | - | - | - | - | No |
• Root | - | 2950 | 2897 | 38 | 1.5 | Yes | - |
• Versioned | - | 2940 | 2898 | 39 | 1.8 | Yes | - |
byte-buddy-agent-1.15.11.jar | 365.4 kB | 170 | - | - | - | - | No |
• Root | - | 91 | 72 | 2 | 1.5 | Yes | - |
• Versioned | - | 79 | 73 | 3 | 1.8 | Yes | - |
accessors-smart-2.4.9.jar | 29.9 kB | 24 | 13 | 2 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
json-smart-2.4.10.jar | 120.2 kB | 107 | 93 | 5 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
commons-collections4-4.4.jar | 751.9 kB | 555 | 524 | 19 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
commons-compress-1.27.1.jar | 1.1 MB | 625 | - | - | - | - | No |
• Root | - | 624 | 572 | 36 | 1.8 | Yes | - |
• Versioned | - | 1 | 1 | 1 | 9 | No | - |
commons-csv-1.9.0.jar | 51.3 kB | 30 | 17 | 1 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
commons-exec-1.3.jar | 54.4 kB | 53 | 37 | 4 | 1.5 | Yes | No |
commons-jexl3-3.4.0.jar | 549.2 kB | 355 | - | - | - | - | No |
• Root | - | 354 | 333 | 7 | 1.8 | Yes | - |
• Versioned | - | 1 | 1 | 1 | 9 | No | - |
commons-lang3-3.17.0.jar | 673.6 kB | 426 | - | - | - | - | No |
• Root | - | 425 | 395 | 18 | 1.8 | Yes | - |
• Versioned | - | 1 | 1 | 1 | 9 | No | - |
commons-text-1.13.0.jar | 257.9 kB | 185 | - | - | - | - | No |
• Root | - | 184 | 164 | 8 | 1.8 | Yes | - |
• Versioned | - | 1 | 1 | 1 | 9 | No | - | | 48.4 kB | 54 | 37 | 2 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
org.apache.felix.configadmin-1.9.26.jar | 162.7 kB | 105 | 81 | 6 | 1.7 | Yes | No |
org.apache.felix.converter-1.0.14.jar | 116.6 kB | 108 | 94 | 1 | 1.7 | Yes | No |
geronimo-json_1.1_spec-1.2.jar | 37 kB | 51 | 37 | 3 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
httpclient-4.5.13.jar | 780.3 kB | 511 | 470 | 24 | 1.6 | Yes | No |
httpcore-4.4.13.jar | 328.6 kB | 283 | 253 | 17 | 1.6 | Yes | No |
httpmime-4.5.13.jar | 41.8 kB | 40 | 23 | 2 | 1.6 | Yes | No |
filevault-package-maven-plugin-1.4.0.jar | 185.2 kB | 80 | 50 | 5 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
jackrabbit-api-2.19.3.jar | 50.4 kB | 94 | 68 | 12 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
jackrabbit-jcr-commons-2.19.3.jar | 403.2 kB | 310 | 272 | 23 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
jackrabbit-spi-2.20.8.jar | 28.5 kB | 51 | 37 | 1 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
jackrabbit-spi-commons-2.20.8.jar | 804.1 kB | 535 | 498 | 21 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
oak-api-1.74.0.jar | 44.6 kB | 61 | 44 | 3 | 11 | Yes | No |
oak-commons-1.74.0.jar | 141.8 kB | 108 | 82 | 12 | 11 | Yes | No |
oak-core-spi-1.74.0.jar | 161.6 kB | 159 | 128 | 15 | 11 | Yes | No |
oak-jackrabbit-api-1.22.4.jar | 54.5 kB | 97 | 71 | 12 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
oak-query-spi-1.74.0.jar | 55.9 kB | 61 | 42 | 3 | 11 | Yes | No |
oak-security-spi-1.74.0.jar | 258.2 kB | 233 | 196 | 17 | 11 | Yes | No |
oak-shaded-guava-1.74.0.jar | 3 MB | 1939 | 1894 | 13 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
oak-store-spi-1.74.0.jar | 240.9 kB | 190 | 165 | 9 | 11 | Yes | No |
org.apache.jackrabbit.vault-3.5.8.jar | 2.5 MB | 1675 | 1457 | 112 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
vault-validation-3.8.2.jar | 614.1 kB | 333 | 287 | 24 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
johnzon-core-2.0.1.jar | 162.9 kB | 114 | 96 | 3 | 11 | Yes | No |
maven-aether-provider-3.3.9.jar | 66.9 kB | 43 | 26 | 1 | 1.7 | Yes | No |
maven-archiver-3.6.3.jar | 26.7 kB | 19 | 5 | 1 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
maven-artifact-3.3.9.jar | 55 kB | 57 | 32 | 11 | 1.7 | Yes | No |
maven-builder-support-3.3.9.jar | 14.9 kB | 24 | 10 | 1 | 1.7 | Yes | No |
maven-compat-3.3.9.jar | 290.3 kB | 215 | 163 | 29 | 1.7 | Yes | No |
maven-core-3.3.9.jar | 637.9 kB | 493 | 394 | 56 | 1.7 | Yes | No |
maven-model-3.3.9.jar | 164 kB | 71 | 54 | 3 | 1.7 | Yes | No |
maven-model-builder-3.3.9.jar | 177 kB | 154 | 121 | 16 | 1.7 | Yes | No |
maven-plugin-api-3.3.9.jar | 47.5 kB | 48 | 27 | 6 | 1.7 | Yes | No |
maven-repository-metadata-3.3.9.jar | 27.3 kB | 27 | 9 | 2 | 1.7 | Yes | No |
maven-settings-3.3.9.jar | 44.3 kB | 35 | 19 | 2 | 1.7 | Yes | No |
maven-settings-builder-3.3.9.jar | 43 kB | 53 | 32 | 5 | 1.7 | Yes | No |
maven-plugin-annotations-3.15.1.jar | 13.8 kB | 22 | 7 | 1 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
maven-common-artifact-filters-3.3.2.jar | 58.3 kB | 62 | 42 | 5 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
maven-filtering-3.4.0.jar | 56 kB | 40 | 23 | 1 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
maven-shared-utils-3.4.2.jar | 151.1 kB | 103 | 79 | 9 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
wagon-provider-api-2.10.jar | 53.5 kB | 60 | 39 | 8 | 1.5 | Yes | No | | 12.9 kB | 20 | 5 | 1 | 1.8 | Yes | No | | 17.9 kB | 24 | 6 | 2 | 11 | Yes | No | | 75.6 kB | 57 | 38 | 3 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
apiguardian-api-1.1.2.jar | 6.8 kB | 9 | 3 | 2 | 1.6 | Yes | No |
checker-qual-3.37.0.jar | 224.5 kB | 427 | 359 | 30 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
animal-sniffer-1.23.jar | 38.8 kB | 32 | 20 | 2 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
animal-sniffer-annotations-1.23.jar | 3.1 kB | 12 | 1 | 1 | 1.8 | No | No |
animal-sniffer-maven-plugin-1.23.jar | 34.5 kB | 24 | 7 | 2 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
java-boot-classpath-detector-1.23.jar | 4.9 kB | 13 | 1 | 1 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
plexus-archiver-4.10.0.jar | 225.2 kB | 211 | 171 | 26 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
plexus-classworlds-2.5.2.jar | 52.7 kB | 52 | 37 | 5 | 1.6 | Yes | No |
plexus-component-annotations-1.6.jar | 4.3 kB | 15 | 3 | 1 | 1.5 | No | No |
plexus-interpolation-1.21.jar | 62.5 kB | 60 | 44 | 6 | 1.5 | Yes | No |
plexus-io-3.5.0.jar | 79.1 kB | 87 | 66 | 7 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
plexus-utils-3.0.22.jar | 244.9 kB | 129 | 104 | 9 | 1.5 | Yes | No |
plexus-xml-3.0.1.jar | 94.3 kB | 44 | 25 | 2 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
stax2-api-4.2.jar | 195.8 kB | 146 | 125 | 12 | 1.6 | Yes | No |
aether-api-1.0.2.v20150114.jar | 136.3 kB | 149 | 128 | 11 | 1.5 | Yes | No |
aether-impl-1.0.2.v20150114.jar | 173 kB | 114 | 96 | 4 | 1.5 | Yes | No |
aether-spi-1.0.2.v20150114.jar | 30.7 kB | 54 | 34 | 8 | 1.5 | Yes | No |
aether-util-1.0.2.v20150114.jar | 146.9 kB | 126 | 101 | 13 | 1.5 | Yes | No |
org.eclipse.sisu.inject-0.3.2.jar | 377.6 kB | 288 | 270 | 9 | 1.6 | Yes | No |
org.eclipse.sisu.plexus-0.3.2.jar | 205.4 kB | 196 | 164 | 20 | 1.6 | Yes | No |
txw2-2.3.2.jar | 72.1 kB | 69 | 54 | 4 | 1.7 | Yes | No |
hamcrest-3.0.jar | 126.4 kB | 123 | 108 | 11 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
hamcrest-core-3.0.jar | 2.4 kB | 9 | 1 | 1 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
hamcrest-library-3.0.jar | 2.4 kB | 9 | 1 | 1 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
jdom2- | 327.8 kB | 227 | 207 | 15 | 1.5 | Yes | No |
annotations-26.0.1.jar | 31.2 kB | 72 | - | - | - | - | No |
• Root | - | 70 | 60 | 2 | 1.8 | Yes | - |
• Versioned | - | 2 | 1 | 1 | 9 | No | - |
json-20211205.jar | 70.7 kB | 36 | 27 | 1 | 1.6 | Yes | No |
junit-jupiter-5.11.4.jar | 6.4 kB | 5 | 1 | 1 | 9 | No | No |
junit-jupiter-api-5.11.4.jar | 216.4 kB | 197 | 182 | 8 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
junit-jupiter-engine-5.11.4.jar | 260.1 kB | 152 | 135 | 9 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
junit-jupiter-params-5.11.4.jar | 591.6 kB | 388 | 354 | 22 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
junit-platform-commons-1.11.4.jar | 142 kB | 88 | - | - | - | - | No |
• Root | - | 78 | 64 | 8 | 1.8 | Yes | - |
• Versioned | - | 10 | 4 | 1 | 9 | Yes | - |
junit-platform-engine-1.11.4.jar | 246.8 kB | 177 | 158 | 10 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
mockito-core-5.15.2.jar | 710 kB | 647 | 575 | 64 | 11 | Yes | No |
mockito-junit-jupiter-5.15.2.jar | 8.9 kB | 13 | 5 | 2 | 11 | Yes | No |
objenesis-3.3.jar | 49.4 kB | 59 | 43 | 10 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
opentest4j-1.3.0.jar | 14.3 kB | 15 | 9 | 2 | 1.6 | Yes | No |
org.osgi.dto-1.0.0.jar | 14.8 kB | 22 | 2 | 1 | 1.5 | Yes | No |
org.osgi.framework-1.8.0.jar | 345 kB | 257 | 108 | 12 | 1.5 | Yes | No |
org.osgi.resource-1.0.0.jar | 33 kB | 52 | 15 | 2 | 1.5 | Yes | No |
org.osgi.service.component.annotations-1.4.0.jar | 42.6 kB | 53 | 16 | 1 | 1.7 | Yes | No |
org.osgi.service.log-1.3.0.jar | 16.7 kB | 29 | 4 | 1 | 1.2 | No | No |
org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations-1.4.0.jar | 27.5 kB | 39 | 9 | 1 | 1.7 | Yes | No |
org.osgi.service.repository-1.1.0.jar | 25.4 kB | 42 | 11 | 1 | 1.5 | Yes | No |
org.osgi.util.converter-1.0.9.jar | 169.8 kB | 144 | 94 | 1 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
org.osgi.util.function-1.0.0.jar | 12.5 kB | 26 | 3 | 1 | 1.5 | No | No |
org.osgi.util.promise-1.2.0.jar | 83.4 kB | 70 | 38 | 1 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
org.osgi.util.tracker-1.5.4.jar | 44 kB | 34 | 9 | 1 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
osgi.annotation-8.0.1.jar | 36.9 kB | 54 | 18 | 2 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
asm-9.4.jar | 122.4 kB | 44 | 38 | 3 | 1.5 | Yes | No |
jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.36.jar | 16.6 kB | 23 | 9 | 2 | 1.5 | Yes | No |
slf4j-api-1.7.36.jar | 41.1 kB | 46 | 34 | 4 | 1.5 | Yes | No |
slf4j-simple-1.7.36.jar | 15.3 kB | 20 | 10 | 1 | 1.5 | Yes | No |
plexus-cipher-1.4.jar | 13.5 kB | 20 | 6 | 1 | 1.4 | Yes | No |
plexus-sec-dispatcher-1.3.jar | 28.6 kB | 31 | 13 | 3 | 1.4 | Yes | No |
spring-core-5.3.39.jar | 1.5 MB | 1037 | 978 | 49 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
spring-jcl-5.3.39.jar | 25.2 kB | 28 | 17 | 2 | 1.8 | Yes | No |
xz-1.9.jar | 116 kB | 132 | - | - | - | - | Yes |
• Root | - | 130 | 116 | 9 | 1.7 | No | - |
• Versioned | - | 2 | 1 | 1 | 9 | No | - |
xmlunit-core-2.10.0.jar | 180.8 kB | 183 | 166 | 9 | 1.7 | Yes | No |
snakeyaml-2.3.jar | 342.2 kB | 284 | - | - | - | - | No |
• Root | - | 276 | 235 | 23 | 1.7 | Yes | - |
• Versioned | - | 8 | 3 | 2 | 9 | Yes | - |
zt-zip-1.17.jar | 111.6 kB | 97 | 86 | 5 | 1.6 | Yes | No |
160 | 56.4 MB | 36441 | 27898 | 1665 | 11 | 150 | 1 |
compile: 105 | compile: 32.3 MB | compile: 23049 | compile: 18667 | compile: 1176 | 11 | compile: 99 | - |
runtime: 4 | runtime: 6.9 MB | runtime: 343 | runtime: 258 | runtime: 19 | runtime: 3 | runtime: 1 | |
provided: 30 | provided: 5.6 MB | provided: 4618 | provided: 3960 | provided: 255 | provided: 28 | - | |
test: 21 | test: 11.7 MB | test: 8431 | test: 5013 | test: 215 | 11 | test: 20 | - |