By using CONGA handlebars helper plugins it is possible to extend handlebars by registering custom expressions. Out of the box CONGA AEM plugin ships with a set of built-in custom expressions documented in this chapter.

The basic handlebars expressions are documented in the Handlebars quickstart. CONGA itself also ships with a set of Custom Handlebars expressions.


This works only with (unobfuscated) crypto keys for AEM 6.3 an up.

Encrypts a password or other secret with the AEM crypto AES key.

{{aemCryptoEncrypt passwordVariable}}

This requires a plugin configuration that defines the path to the AEM crypto key to use (which has to be deployed to the target instances as well):


It is recommended to encrypt the key in your SCM using Ansible Vault and reference it like this: aem-plugin;cryptoAesKeyUrl=ansible-vault:classpath:/crypto/master. You can store it on other locations as well (filesystem, Maven, HTTP etc.).

If you want to write a generic template that runs with and without having a crypto key available you can add a ignoreMissingKey parameter - but in this case the password or secret is inserted unencrypted if the key is missing!

{{aemCryptoEncrypt passwordVariable ignoreMissingKey=true}}
Plugin configuration parameter Description
cryptoAesKeyUrl Path to the AEM crypto key to use
cryptoSkip If set to true encryption is skipped and the value ins inserted unencrypted.


Renders the HTTP host with port, when the port is not the default one (80).

Example 1 (default port):

{{httpHost "localhost" port=80 }}

Result: localhost

Example 2 (custom port):

{{httpHost "localhost" port=8080 }}

Result: localhost:8080


Renders the SSL HTTP host with port, when the port is not the default one (443).

Example 1 (default port):

{{httpHost "localhost" port=443 }}

Result: localhost

Example 2 (custom port):

{{httpHost "localhost" port=8443 }}

Result: localhost:8443


Generates a password hash for an Oak JCR user from a plain text password.

{{oakPasswordHash passwordVariable}}


Generates a UUID for an authorizable node by deriving it from the authorizable Id.

{{oakAuthorizableUuid authorizableId}}


Generates a password hash for the Apache Felix Webconsole (felix.webconsole.password).

{{webconsolePasswordHash passwordVariable}}


Generates HTTPd allow from/required rules for a filter expression. Supports both Apache 2.2 and 2.4. See CONGA AEM Definitions for an usage example.

# Location filter
{{#each httpd.accessRestriction.locationFilter~}}
{{aemHttpdFilter this allowFromKey="httpd.accessRestriction.adminAccessFromIp" allowFromHostKey="httpd.accessRestriction.adminAccessFromHost"}}


Generates AEM dispatcher filter rules for a filter expression. See CONGA AEM Definitions for an usage example.

{{~#each dispatcher.filter}}
        {{{aemDispatcherFilter this}}}

httpdCloudManagerConditional, withAllCloudManagerConditional

Used to build envrionment-conditional configuration sections for AEM cloud service.

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Version: 2.20.1-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 2025-02-19.