CONGA utilizes a flexible plugin-based architecture. A good part of the features shipped with CONGA itself is implemented using plugins bundles with it.

For the plugin architecture the Java ServiceLoader concept is used. See the Oracle tutorial Creating Extensible Applications for details.


CONGA allows to provider custom plugins that are applied on generated files:

  • File Header Plugin: Plugin is used to add a CONGA file header to all generated files. The plugin controls at which position and with which comment syntax the headers are inserted. *)
  • Validator Plugin: Plugin validates files after generation to ensure they are syntactically correct. *)
  • Handlebars Escaping Strategy Plugin: Plugin allows to define escaping rules for special chars. *)
  • Post Processor Plugin: Plugin that operations on a generated file, e.g. to convert it to a binary file.

*) These plugins detect files with certain extensions, and are executed automatically on them.

Other plugins:

  • Multiply Plugin: Plugin controls the generation of multiple files from a single file definition.
  • Value Provider Plugin: Allows to provide values form external sources, which can be referenced like variables
  • Value Encryption Plugin: Encrypts a sensitive configuration parameter value e.g. for YAML model file export.
  • Node Model Export Plugin: Allows to export “model data” (expanded configurations, list of generated files and tenants) from CONGA to a file which can be picked up by infrastructure automation tools.
  • URL File Plugin: Allows to copy or download files from external sources identified via “URL prefixes”.
  • Handlebars Helper Plugin: Plugin allows to register your own Handlebar helper to define custom handlebar expression usable in the CONGA templates.
  • YAML Represent Plugin: Allows to customize the YAML file generation by adding custom represent implementations e.g. for encrypted values.
  • YAML Constructor Plugin: Allows to customize the constructor for parsing YAML files.

See API documentation for the detailed plugin interfaces:

Built-in plugins

File plugins

Plugin name File name(s) File Header Validator Escaping Post Processor
json .json X X X
xml .xml X X X
conf .conf X
unixShellScript .sh X
windowsShellScript .bat, .cmd X
none X X X

The none plugins allow to disable the default behavior based on the file extension.

Multiply plugins

Plugin name Description
tenant Allows to generate a file for each tenant defined in the environment.
none No multiply

Value Provider plugins

Plugin name Description
system Allows to reference Java system properties in variable definitions, e.g. ${system::mysystemparam}
maven Allows to reference Maven properties in variable definitions, e.g. ${maven::my.maven.param}

Export plugins

Plugin name Description
yaml Dumps all “model data” (expanded configuration, list of generated files and tenants) from CONGA to “model.yaml” files for each node. This file can be picked up by infrastructure automation tools e.g. Ansible to execute the further deployment steps.
none No export

URL File plugins

Plugin name URL Prefix Description
filesystem file:, file-node: Copy files from local filesystem (relative to maven project root / node root directory)
classpath classpath: Copy files from classpath
http http://, https:// Download files from HTTP or HTTPS URLs
maven mvn: Download files from Maven Artifact repository (only supported when CONGA runs inside Maven)

Other plugins

Handlebars Helper plugins: see Handlebars quickstart.

Further plugins are provided by separate DevOps projects, see index page.

Writing your own CONGA plugins

To write your own plugin:

  1. Create a new maven JAR file project
  2. Create your plugin and let it implement one of the CONGA SPI Plugin interfaces
  3. Create a ServiceLoader file at META-INF/services/<interface class name> and add your plugin class name
  4. Add your JAR as plugin dependency to the CONGA maven plugin

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Version: 1.17.1-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 2025-01-31.